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Form & Color: Prints by Sam Francis

Herron School of Art + Design 735 W. New York St., Indianapolis

Drawing from the extensive private collection of Jordan D. Schnitzer and the Jordan Schnitzer Family Foundation, "Form & Color: Prints by Sam Francis" highlights over 20 years of prints by this prominent American abstract painter and printmaker. George […]


Angle / Edge / Plane: The Sculptures of Ronald Bladen

Herron School of Art + Design 735 W. New York St., Indianapolis

Through a collection of models, drawings, and photographs from the estate of Ronald Bladen and the Loretta Howard Gallery, "Angle / Edge / Plane" highlights Bladen’s practice as a sculptor, who influenced fellow Minimalists Carl André, Donald Judd, […]


Intersecting Flight Patterns / Natural and Hybrid Histories: New Work by Sylvie Rosenthal

Herron School of Art + Design 735 W. New York St., Indianapolis

Merging high-end production skills with a conceptually driven practice, artist, woodworker, and sculptor Sylvie Rosenthal imbues her objects with layers of meaning that reflect her fascination with human history and our material culture that defines us. An opening […]


Artist’s Talk with George Page

Eskenazi Hall 735 W. New York St., Indianapolis, IN

Master printer George Page discusses his work with featured artist Sam Francis – one that grew out of a 21-year collaboration at the Litho Shop, the Santa Monica, California, printmaking studio founded by Francis in 1970. Supported by […]


Metamorphosis: Recent Painting & Sculpture by Tsherin Sherpa

Herron School of Art + Design 735 W. New York St., Indianapolis

Trained in the traditions of Tibetan thangka painting, Sherpa’s work borrows imagery from classical Buddhist iconography to investigate the dichotomy found where sacred and secular traditions and world cultures collide. "Metamorphosis: Recent Painting & Sculpture by Tsherin Sherpa" […]


The Bed and My Moon–A New Installation by Adam Milner

Herron School of Art + Design 735 W. New York St., Indianapolis

"The Bed and My Moon" reveals artist Adam Milner’s nocturnal musings on sleep through a 10-year daily photography practice and silvery, cast replicas of the moon created while in residence at Herron. The exhibition will remain on view […]


Hope & Loss—A Border Elegy: Recent Work by Beatriz Vasquez

Herron School of Art + Design 735 W. New York St., Indianapolis

Employing the Mexican folk-art technique of papel picado, where intricate designs are cut into colorful sheets of tissue paper, Herron alumna Beatriz Vasquez pushes the boundaries of this widely used art form to address the humanitarian crisis at […]


Migration: A Force of Nature—A Basic Human Need

Herron School of Art + Design 735 W. New York St., Indianapolis

During this panel discussion, Beatriz Vasquez, a 2019 recipient of the IUPUI Arts & Humanities Institute Artist Residency, will share her experience on the U.S.-Mexico border and her work based on the indigenous craft of papel picado. Vasquez’s […]


Kerry Dineen & Samuel Sutphin Visiting Artist Lecture with David Klamen

Eskenazi Hall 735 W. New York St., Indianapolis, IN

Artist David Klamen discusses the development of his aesthetically diverse paintings and his use of the history of art as a metaphor for our communal search for meaning. Supported through the generosity of Kerry Dineen and Sam Sutphin, […]


Dan Mills: Human Topographies

Herron School of Art + Design 735 W. New York St., Indianapolis

"Human Topographies" presents artist Dan Mills’ wide-ranging, decades-old interest in history, exploration, games and wordplay in order to investigate national and global networks of power, commerce and migration. Mills created luminous, layered paintings and collages about our shared […]


Donna Ferrato–Holy

Herron School of Art + Design 735 W. New York St., Indianapolis

Drawing from the internationally-known activist-photographer’s upcoming book of the same title, Donna Ferrato–Holy is the culmination of her 50-year ‘road trip’ across the U.S. and beyond. "Holy" follows Ferrato’s journey from the sexual revolution of the ’60s through […]


Jana Harper–Moving with the Land, Listening to the Ancestors

Herron School of Art + Design 735 W. New York St., Indianapolis

With her Native American heritage as a focus on the Mackinac Bands of Chippewa and Ottawa Indians, Jana Harper explores her place in the competing narrative between indigenous and colonial histories. "Moving with the Land, Listening to the […]


A Virtual Reception with Dan Mills, Donna Ferrato & Jana Harper

Herron School of Art + Design 735 W. New York St., Indianapolis

Join Joseph Mella, Director and Curator of the Herron Galleries, for our first virtual reception as we celebrate our newest exhibitions featuring the work of Dan Mills, Donna Ferrato and Jana Harper. The virtual reception will take place […]


A Tacit Inheritance: Elizabeth M. Claffey & Rania Matar

Herron School of Art + Design 735 W. New York St., Indianapolis

"A Tacit Inheritance" features two distinct bodies of work by Elizabeth M. Claffey and Rania Matar, each exploring the themes of identity and memory through broader experiences of women across generations and cultures. Claffey's "Matrilinear" offers a poetic […]


Graduate Thesis Exhibition

Herron School of Art + Design 735 W. New York St., Indianapolis

The Graduate Thesis Exhibition presents the multidisciplinary works of six emerging visual artists from Herron School of Art and Design's Master of Fine Arts 2020 graduating class, representing the culmination of their two-year academic experience. Participating artists are […]


The Sum of Unity

Herron School of Art + Design 735 W. New York St., Indianapolis

"The Sum of Unity," curated by artist and Herron alumnus Samuel Levi Jones, is a composite exhibition in response to the divisive climate in which we all find ourselves. The main thrust of the exhibition will be protest […]

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