The 1828 Project is one of our signature programs at IndyHub and each year it’s full of incredible leaders between the ages of 18 and 28. Brittany is a part of 1828’s Class VI. We sent her some questions, and she responded. Keep reading to learn more about what Brittany is up to!
What is a typical day for you?
My days are spent working at Well Done Marketing in Fountain Square – an agency that does good work for good organizations. I also serve as Host of CreativeMornings/Indianapolis, a breakfast lecture series for the creative community (which we strongly advocate, is everyone). In short, I try to bring good vibes to a good city full of good people.
Are you from around here?
Born and Raised Hoosier – grew up in Northern Indiana (a small, small town called Bourbon), went to school at IU Bloomington. Spent time in Los Angeles right after graduation, then job searched in Chicago, St Louis, and Nashville and ended up in Indianapolis – a Hoosier through and through.
Where’s your ‘spot’ here in Indy?
I love walking Mass Ave – it’s where I first lived when I moved to the city 5 years ago and it’s so fun to see the change and the new shops / restaurants popping up. I love the view of the city as you walk towards downtown – it just makes me feel the vibrancy of Indianapolis.
Indy has a lot more transit options than some people think, how do you typically get around the city?
Mostly car 😐 I walk and ride my bike on the Monon/Cultural Trail as much as possible in the warmer months though!
If you could have coffee with anyone, living or not, who would it be and why? (Bonus points for which Indy coffee joint you’d take them to!)
Mr Rogers at Calvin Fletcher’s. I’d like to hear his optimism and perspective in today’s world and I feel like he’d welcome a lot of interesting conversation with interesting people in the shop.
Thinking forward to the next 5 years in Indy, what are you most excited about for the future?
The talent that we’re attracting and retaining. I think a lot of cities have a brain drain and I’m excited that young, talented folks are coming here as it’s such an accessible city… and people are staying! or they’re genuinely sad to go if life takes them that way. Indy’s a city that’s full of people that want to help you – and I think that’s a big draw for young folks that want to do something big.
Are you reading anything interesting right now, and if so, what book?
I set a goal for myself to read 30 books this year (I hit 28 last year!) so I constantly have a book with me. Recently, I just re-read The Crossroads of Should and Must by Elle Luna. It’s a great book about exploring and finding your calling and figuring out how to make that your life’s work. It’s challenging and inspiring – and beautifully created.
What is your favorite family tradition?
Every summer, my dad’s side of the family has a family reunion. We gather between 60 – 80 of us for a cookout / carry in (and a golf tournament the day before). Almost the same amount gathers for Thanksgiving each year (where we have 4 turkeys prepared 3 different ways). I think it’s unique to know so much of your extended family.
Do you have a hidden talent?
I can solve a Rubik’s Cube! My fastest time is 52 seconds, it normally takes about 2 minutes. [Editor’s note: Brittany, we’ll be bringing a Rubik’s cube to our next 1828 meeting, no pressure. ;)]