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1828 Spotlight: Clayton De Fur

Posted by: IndyHub
Posted: November 8, 2018
Categories: Professional Development, IndyHub

The 1828 Project is one of our signature programs at IndyHub and each year it’s full of incredible leaders between the ages of 18 and 28. Clayton is a part of 1828’s Class VII. We sent him some questions and he responded. Keep reading to learn more about Clayton!

How do you spend your days?

I am a Community Investment Officer for the Central Indiana Community Foundation. In that role, I oversee grant making in a number of areas, including: Arts & Culture, Environment, Health & Disability, Animal Welfare, and Food Access & Nutrition. I also manage our scholarship funds. Day to day, I’m regularly meeting with the leadership of nonprofit organizations within my portfolio, marketing our scholarships to high schools and colleges, reviewing grant applications, and working with our various Boards of Directors and Fund Advisers to make their philanthropic giving as strategic and impactful as possible.

Where are you originally from?

Anderson, IN

What made you lay your roots here in Indianapolis?

I honestly never seriously considered laying my roots anywhere else. From day one at Indiana University, my plan was to move up to Indianapolis when I was done. It didn’t hurt that my wife grew up in Speedway, and had the exact same viewpoint when we met down in Bloomington.

It’s the weekend. What are your plans?

I’m a big fan of attending large events where you feel the energy of our community– whether this is a Pacers game, a neighborhood festival, a concert, or the monthly Indianapolis BikeParty – I thrive off of the communal buzz.

When thinking about the future of our city, what are you looking forward to the most and why?

As our city grows, I look forward to the ways in which that growth becomes more inclusive of the communities that haven’t always had a seat at the table. The history of Indianapolis has been driven by, and controlled by one subset of our population (of which I am a part of), and I’m passionate about broadening that civic narrative over this next generation of movers and shakers in Indianapolis.

Quick- you can only eat at one local spot for the rest of your life. Where ya going and what’s your go-to item on the menu?

Longs Bakery — Give me ALL of the glazed yeast donuts.

What’s a local Indy cause that is near and dear to your heart and how might people go about learning more or getting involved?

The Foster Care and Adoption system in Central Indiana is completely overloaded as a result of the opioid epidemic. The easiest way to care for those in most need within our community is by becoming a Foster Parent, a Safe Family, or by supporting a Foster Family with meals, regular childcare, and financial support.

My wife and I are a part of a Care Community for friends of ours who are Foster Parents. Live 1:17 is a great (small) organization that is providing care for Foster Families.

It’s 2030: where are you and what are you doing?

Good question, ask me again in 2029 and I might have some ideas.

Any favorite podcasts you’re listening to right now?

It’s a tie: Revisionist History & Drink Culture.

What book has impacted you the most, to date?

Blue Like Jazz by: Donald Miller.

What’s your biggest pet peeve?

People who don’t care about the the world around them, and fail to see the bigger picture.
