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1828 Spotlight: Hannah Thomas

Posted by: IndyHub
Posted: April 13, 2020
Categories: Professional Development, IndyHub

The 1828 Project, sponsored by Citizens Energy Group, is a civic leadership tract for Indy’s young leaders with the goal of fostering intentional relationships with a cross sector of Indianapolis’ thought leaders and decision makers. Hannah is a part of 1828’s Class IX– learn more about her below! 

What is your day job/ how do you spend your days?

I spend my days at IndyHub! As a member of 1828 Project & the IndyVolved15 Steering Committee, I quickly fell in love with the mission and purpose of IndyHub and the dynamic role this organization plays in our city – so much so that I joined the team as a Communications & Advocacy Manager.  In my free time, you can find me adventuring around Indy at one of my favorite restaurants with my friends: Half Liter, Livery, The Eagle, spending time with my amazing family, hanging out at a festival, or a political event.

Where are you originally from?

No Mean City. I’m a born and raised Indy girl.

You’re off the clock. What are your plans?

Trying new things is a must. New restaurants, new events—I love adventure. I am also so unbelievably lucky to have such incredible friends that love this city.

Since moving back from college, I’ve developed a new love for attending CreativeMornings/IND. It’s such a cool way to learn about Indy residents who think outside the box and are making a shift in our city’s culture. I’m also involved in Planned Parenthood’s Young Leaders of Indy. I’m also heavily engaged in the political scene in Indianapolis – it is so important for young people to be in the mix of the civic process. The future is ours and what happens in local elections is more important than you’d think.

When thinking about the future of Indianapolis, what are you looking forward to the most and why?

I still am in awe of how cool our city has become. From arts & culture to nightlife and the social scene, Indy has stepped it up. There’s a movement, and genuinely an overall feeling of pride in Indy like never before. I can’t wait to continue to watch it grow and also be a part of moving our city in the right direction.

Are there any local causes that you support? What are they and how might others learn more or get involved?

Women’s empowerment has always been at the core of my personal mission. The past two years, I’ve been working actively as a communications chair of the Planned Parenthood Young Leaders of Indy. This is a shared, safe space for women & men to gather to support the mission of Planned Parenthood here in Indy with fundraisers & networking events. Anyone that is interested can find our events on Facebook and follow along with Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky on social media. We also attend IndyVolved, so you can find us there!

In addition to my involvement with PPINK, I am what I would consider, an active alumna of IU. The past year, I have been serving as a member of the IU Women’s Colloquium Steering Committee which helps program the IU Women’s Colloquium, a celebration of the Women of IU—past, present, and future. It’s been so special to continue to be engaged with my alma mater being out of school, but it’s the best way to stay connected.

Do you have a favorite local spot that you love going to? Where and why?

This is so hard. I’m not good at picking favorites, but hands down, one of my new favorite spots is Half Liter. It’s less than a 5 minute walk away from my house. I’m such a SoBro girl. You know in the Cheers, the theme song says “Where everybody knows your name?” For me that’s Moe & Johnny’s. Moe & Johnny’s is a classical Indianapolis staple in my neighborhood that I love so much that I’ve become a regular.

Picking a favorite park is hard—I love them all equally, but my heart is at Holliday Park. From the Ruins to the trails. It’s everything a park should be.

Which is your preferred way to get around our city?

I love to drive. After getting off of work, nothing really matches turning your favorite playlist all the way up.

What’s something underrated about Indy that more people should know about?

One of my other favorite spots in the city that truly developed my love of public service is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Park. The Landmark for Peace and our city’s annual celebration of two civil rights giants, Dr. King & Bobby Kennedy is something truly special. If you don’t know about April 4, 1968, you should look it up!

What’s a tv show that has impacted your life most to date?

One of the most devastating moments of my young life was when Oprah went off air. Coming home from school and watching Oprah was such a routine for me growing up. I know that sounds funny, I think I was in 6th or 7th grade when her show ended. To this day, so much of what her spirit embodies, who she is and what she stands for as a woman, sticks with me. I listen to her Super Soul podcast religiously.

If you had to remove all the apps from your phone except for 3, which would you keep?

Twitter, Instagram, and Spotify! Twitter keeps me in the loop and Instagram is just amazing. Spotify is my music & podcasts and I couldn’t do without it.

Do you have a special talent?

Growing up I always sang & danced! From show choir, dance team, or cheerleadering, I think my true Aries nature was exerted in my extracurricular activities growing up. Now, I get my usual performance kick from singing 70’s power disco-ballads at karaoke. I’m also a huge music junkie so I would say that is something somewhat interesting about me since I can’t sing anymore – some would argue that I never could.

If you had to listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?

As – Stevie Wonder. I find something new in it every single time.

Pancakes or waffles?

Pancakes, always.
