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1828 Spotlight: Jerome Horne

Posted by: IndyHub
Posted: January 24, 2017
Categories: IndyHub

The 1828 Project is one of our signature programs at IndyHub and each year it’s full of incredible leaders between the ages of 18 and 28. Jerome is a part of 1828’s Class VI. We sent him some questions. He responded. Keep reading to learn more about Jerome!

Jerome_2How do you spend your days?

I spend my days passionately working to provide a better transit system for Indianapolis. At my role with IndyGo (Indianapolis Public Transportation Corporation), I serve as the Special Transit Project Coordinator where I’m responsible for community outreach and research for the Red Line Rapid Transit Project.

Where are you originally from?

I’m originally from Baltimore, Maryland and spent the first twelve years of my life there. My family then moved to Atlanta, Georgia where I lived until 2014 before coming to Indianapolis.

Where is your favorite spot to go in Indy?

Monument Circle is my favorite spot to go to in the city. I love going here because it is literally the center of the city and a great place to people watch. I also feel the Circle is one of the best urban spaces in Indianapolis, as it truly has a sense of place.

How do you typically travel around the city?

I typically travel around the city by car, bus or even walking. This year I’d like to buy a bike and add that to my modes of transportation.

If you could have coffee with anyone, living or not, who would it be and why?

If I could have coffee with anyone, it would definitely be Michael Jackson because he always has fascinated me since I was little. He wrote heavily about issues of social justice and the environment in many of his songs and given present day situations. I’d love to hear his thoughts about potential solutions to the world’s problems.

Thinking forward to the next 5 years in Indy, what are you most excited about for the future?

I’m most excited about the future of transit in Indy. Hopefully the Indianapolis City-County Council with enact the full transit tax in accordance with public approval. [Editor’s note: who’s coming to the January 30 Council meeting?!] The implications of a more robust transit system are extremely positive for the city. It will allow many people access to opportunity and trigger substantial economic development that can help rejuvenate and connect neighborhoods together.

If you won the lottery, what would you do with your winnings?

My answer to this question could change depending on the amount I won.  In general, I’d do the following:
• Save at least half
• Donate to various non-profit organizations
• Allocate various amounts to family members
• Invest in companies I’m interested in
• Set up non-academic scholarships for youth that are minorities, LGBT, or involved in the performing arts
• Travel the world
• Start my own foundation with the mission of cultivating and creating amazing life experiences for disadvantaged youth while giving them a well-rounded worldview

Are you reading anything interesting right now, what book?

I’m currently reading The Charge: Activating the 10 Human Drives That Make You Feel Alive by Brendon Burchard. I enjoy reading these types of self-development books. They really help push me to think about life from different perspectives and offer insights on how to tackle challenges I’m facing that may seem otherwise impossible.

Do you have a hidden talent?

My hidden talent is that I can dance like Michael Jackson very well. I started imitating his moves when I was 12 and have been at it ever since. I’ve gone on to win a few talent shows and even got to perform for Michael Jackson’s mother in August 2015.
