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(Re)Start with Art

October 23, 2020 @ 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm


Join us for a fun & inspiring evening of stories, performances, and special appearances to celebrate the power and resiliency of the arts and highlight all the innovative ways that #IndyKeepsCreating. Reconnect with some of your favorite local artists and performers and discover new ones. Meet a few pop-in guests.  Hosted by Emmanuel Carter, a nationally recognized actor based in Indy.

All proceeds from the community-wide virtual event, produced in partnership with WFYI, will benefit the Keep Indy Creating Relief Fund. Grants from the fund support basic living expenses for Central Indiana artists and arts/cultural workers who have experienced severe income losses during the pandemic and provide sustaining operating support to arts & cultural organizations.

Your contribution supports the Keep Indy Creating Relief Fund and helps local artists and arts & culture workers cover basic living expenses and healthcare costs. Gifts of any amount, made between now and December 31, 2020, will be matched by the Efroymson Family Fund up to $100,000.

Donate directly to the fund, HERE.

A event link will be sent by Oct. 16 to the email you provide. Thank you!

