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Heartland Film Festival | Do Good Often Blog Series Presented By AT&T

Posted by: Heartland Film Festival
Posted: September 2, 2020
Categories: IndyVolved, IndyHub

Film Lovers Wanted

Hi! My name is Ashley Saunders, and I’m an Indianapolis native. I discovered Heartland Film when I was at Butler studying arts administration, and I checked out the website and thought it was interesting — I didn’t know we had a film festival here in the city!  

My love for film began in college when I started watching a lot of classic movies, and as a musical theatre performer, my favorites were musicals, of course! But I can probably say my favorite genre has since evolved, and I’m more of a French New Wave fan now.

I’ve had all kinds of experience over the years volunteering with Heartland Film, from counting tickets and collecting Audience Choice Award ballots after the film is over, to working the red-carpet during the Heartland International Film Festival last October. That was my first experience on any red carpet! I would guide filmmakers along down the line to talk to various members of the media, including news stations, podcasters, newspaper reporters and film reviewers. I thought it was a fascinating way to hear more about the film directly from the filmmakers themselves.

This past July, I was one of many volunteers who helped get the word out via social media about the 2020 Indy Shorts International Film Festival by posting about film programs showcased during the festival. I would post at least once a day about a few short films from a program and encourage people to check out Heartland Film’s website for passes. This year, people had the option of either watching virtually from their homes or at Tibbs Drive-In Theatre, which I thought was a pretty amazing collaboration. That was probably one of my favorite ways to contribute to the festival! The Audience Survey showed that the majority of attendees found out about the festival and film schedule through Facebook, so I know it helped them get the word out! 

I really enjoy volunteering for Heartland Film because it’s a great opportunity not only to learn a new skill but to connect with other volunteers who are also film lovers! I always feel appreciated by Heartland Film staff, and it feels good being able to help the guests and filmmakers who come through for festivals. Of course, seeing films for free isn’t so bad either! 

If you love films and unique events, Heartland Film is the perfect place for you! They offer a wide variety of different volunteer positions from screening films, posting on social media, working the red carpet, taking photos at events, greeting guests, vlogging about films and more! 

To learn more about Heartland Film, please visit their website

Meet Ashley

As an actor, dancer, and musician, I am a true fan of the performing arts! I’ve been performing in musical theatre around Indy, both volunteer and professional work for over a decade now and I’m making the transition from musical theatre performer to a non-musical actor, just plays. In my most recent production, I worked backstage as a wardrobe dresser for the actors, which was exciting. I got to be part of a production in a different way and I learned new skills as well! I’m currently enrolled in the Meisner Technique, a two-year course, through Phoenix Theatre.

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