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IndyHub 2015 Program Plans

Posted by: Karissa Hulse
Posted: January 12, 2015
Categories: IndyHub

Karissa_Hulse_HeadshotYou know the anticipation you feel when you have something really great to share with your friends, family, or heck, your morning barista? Part inspired idea, part real plans are coming together so you can actually say “This is happening!” — but with just enough room left to play with the details?

That’s where I am right now, and I love it.

I began my role here in 2009 (next week is my six-year anniversary actually) and it’s been a helluva ride! As an organization we’ve evolved is pretty significant ways, and our work has always been programs-focused, so it only makes sense that the events we host are always evolving, too.


I’ve seen single-time events come and go, only wishing there was a place and time to do it again. And I’ve been a part of conceptualizing new event series and formats, only for them to sunset a year, maybe three later. IndyHub exists to connect people to our city, and our program are responsive to the city’s landscape, and the community’s need. That’s been the case for nearly 10 years, as I suspect it will be for the next 10, too.

In 2014, IndyHub hosted 36 original events, and there was quite a bit of new in that mix, and it kept things interesting for sure. As I look at 2015’s line up, I’ve never been more excited for IndyHub and Indianapolis as I am right now. Here’s a peak into just some* of what we’re planning for 2015, in semi-chronological order.

IndyHub Happy Hour(s)

We’re going to bring this back after a few months pause late in 2014. (Guys, there was just so.much.happening.) We’re envisioning a new future for these approximately-quarterly nights when you are guaranteed to collide with other good people in the city.

IndyHub_2015Programs_HappyHoursA (yet-unnamed) Neighborhood Series

We turned out a couple of incredible experiences in two Indianapolis neighborhoods last year, and since our minds have been like this on repeat: “Let’s do more!” Right now, we’re pouring over our office Naplab, talking with other interesting groups in the city and making plans to kick this off in the spring. All in all, we have four events penned to meet the neighborhoods and neighbors across Indy.

IndyHub_2015Programs_Raise_Your_IQAwkward Conversations

In November of last year, we co-hosted an event with Mosaic City called Awkward Conversations. Our goal was to open up a dialogue about differences – race, lifestyle, culture, social economics – but one that was honest, intentional and helpful. We’re so glad to be part of this, and again, we were left wanting more – and we believe our community needs more. And so, we’re going to do it again, and probably again.

10th Annual IndyVolved

This June will mark IndyHub’s 10th annual IndyVolved, and right now we’re building an all-star team of volunteer committee members to help us pull it off. (You know we don’t do all of this by ourselves, right? It’s an army, we tell ‘ya.) While every one of our events touch our mission, with this one massive undertaking we’ll get to introduce more than 1,000 of our friends,** en masse, to dozens more people who represent local nonprofits and are all working to affect change in their corner of the city. Seriously, this is our jam.

IndyHub_2015Programs_IndyVolvedIndy Redefined, part deux

Last fall, we co-hosted the inaugural Indy Redefined with our friends at Achieve. This one is all about cities – ours mostly, plus a few stories from others – and people taking steps to make ’em better. We learned a ton about hosting a speakers-line-up event of this scale last year, and planning for round two is already underway. Look for it to be downtown and relocated on the calendar to the month of August.

Passport to the Arts, presented by Lilly

It’s been called the best deal in town, and while we don’t disagree, we have a confession. It’s not really about a deal. The narrative really goes more like this: “Have you experienced the art being produced in this city? Because it’s pretty incredible. And really approachable. Plus, there’s different stuff for different likes.” When we throw in behind-the-scenes experiences, food and drinks with five professional arts events and deliver it to you in a single package, and you’re guaranteed to never have to go alone, yea – it’s the best deal in this city. We’re at the mid-season point for this round, so if you missed out, keep your eyes peeled for next season to be announced and go on sale in September!

IndyHub_2015Programs_EventsOur 10th Birthday Party

IndyHub turns ten this year, and we believe that’s cause for celebration! Our actual birthday with the IRS happens in June (come to IndyVolved and sing to us!) but we’re planning to celebrate in November, the anniversary of the IndyHub event that started it all. We’ll be honest, that’s is about as far as we are in planning. It will be fun. Period. The end.

We really don’t like to be bored.

*Not to make you feel left out, but we also host some events that are more of a by-invitation-only nature. Namely they are with the 1828 Project and The Exchange, both groups of young leaders intentionally-curated to maximize their impact on our city. Then of course, it’s only January. Without doubt, an idea or opportunity will pop up that we just can’t and won’t say no to.

**We mean you, by the way.

