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1828 Leadership Project presented by Citizens Energy Group

Coaching the next generation of Indy’s leaders through discussions with urban advocates and one-on-one mentoring.

The 1828 Leadership Project, presented by Citizens Energy Group, is a civic leadership tract for people between the ages of 18 and 28. Carefully curated and structured to foster intentional relationships with a cross sector of Indianapolis’ thought leaders and decision makers, 1828 jump-starts participants’ civic impact by connecting them with the resources and people who can help them succeed.

We believe these leaders have ideas ready to implement now, not in ten years.

Leadership takes all forms, and Indy requires all types of leaders. The 1828 Leadership Project convenes both traditional and non-traditional leaders in an effort to diversify Indianapolis’ unique civic ecosystem. Relationships forged across these sectors – from nonprofit leaders and entrepreneurs to artists and educators – result in a more inclusive vision for the city’s future (and a more representative group of doers and change-makers on the front lines).

Fundamental to the philosophy of 1828 is that these leaders are ready to lead and have ideas ready to implement now. Through 1828, IndyHub will seek to assist in the development of these projects and passions by connecting these individuals with resources and people who can help them fully realize their big ideas.

Have questions about The 1828 Leadership Project? Drop us a note at info@indyhub.org.

Meet 1828 Leadership Project Class XIV


IndyHub’s 1828 Project Class XIV presented by Citizens Energy Group

Shelene Baiyee, IUI Upward Bound

Justin Burnett, Citizen’s Energy Group

Alyssa Chavez, Indiana Sports Corp

Gabe Donnelly, Indiana State Budget Agency

Ted Field, Indianapolis Airport Authority

Stephanie Garbaciak, Indiana Economic Development Corporation

Haydyn Gibson, NCAA

Devon Holifield, Martin University

Emma Kersey, City of Indianapolis: Mayor’s Office

Claire Kirby, Indianapolis Colts

Anamika Krishnan, IYG

Rachel Lopez, Indy Eleven

Amelia Lynas, Green Loop Marketing

Madison Miazgowicz, The Roberts Group

Neelam Patel, The International Center

Hannah Riffle, Glick Philanthropies

Daniel Reyes, IYG

Derion Searcey, RJL Solutions

Kylie Stine, Wabash College

Rochenide St Preux, Immigrant Welcome Center

Meet the 1828 Leadership Project Alumni

Jamal Abdulrasheed, Class IX
Craig Anesu Chigadza, Class XI
Duchess Adjei, Class VII
Zachary Alexander, Class VIII
Rishard Allen, Class VIII
Jonathan Allinson,  Class I
Scarlett Andrews Martin, Class VII
Chris Baker, Class VII
Meaghan Banks, Class VI
Mariah Barber, Class VIII
Lillian Barkes, Class XIII
Hayden Barnack, Class XII
Javier Barrera,  Class II
Cy Bennett, Class VII
Thomas Benoist, Class VII
Benjamin Blevins,  Class III
Mark Bode, Class XI
Haley Bougher, Class XI
Tyler Bracken, Class VIII
Derrick Braziel,  Class I
Ceceily Brickley, Class VII
Alie Brown, Class XII
Jeffery Burgin, Class IX
Laurie Burns, Class VII
Brian Burtch, Class VI
Cheria Caldwell,  Class IV
Vivien Carter, Class XI
Daria Clark, Class XIII
Everett Clayton,  Class V
Idamarie Collazzo,  Class IV
Clark Collier, Class IX
Molly Connor, Class X
Jacqueline Cromleigh,  Class V
Arianna Cruz, Class XIII
Lauren Day,  Class III
Clayton De Fur, Class VIII
Alli Donovan, Class XIII
Jorge Dorantes, Class X
MJ Dunne, Class VII
Jessie Eastman, Class VI
Abigail Edwards, Class XIII
Caroline Ellert, Class X
Cailin Ellis, Class XI
Michael Etter, Class XIII
Brenda Ewigleben, Class VIII
Rico Francis, Class X
Lauren George, Class VI
Michael Gillis, Class IX
Devon Ginn, Class VI
Lourenzo Giple,  Class II
Abby Goldsmith,  Class IV
Joe Gramelspacher,  Class IV
Laura Granieri,  Class V
Chunia Graves, Class XIII
Emma Hagenauer, Class VIII
Joe Hamgeri, Class VI
Patrick Hall, Class IX
Cameron Harris, Class XI
Kelly Harris,  Class IV
Shon Harris, Class X
Marcus Harvey,  Class II
Kelley Heneveld,  Class III
Kristin Hess,  Class I
Riley Hill-Kartel, Class XIII
Sara Hindi, Class X
Emily Hitchcock, Class VII
Ethan Hochstein, Class X
Jerome Horne, Class VI
Annie Hostetter,  Class I
Bradley Houser, Class VII
Karissa Hulse,  Class I
Denver Hutt,  Class II
Natalie James, Class XI
Francesca Jarosz,  Class II
Jamarro Johnson, Class XII
Theon Jones,  Class IV
Allie Kast, Class VIII
Lauren Kenny, Class XIII
Tiffany Keown, Class XII
Emily Kitterman, Class VIII
Brett Kramer, Class VIII
Lauren Li Primer, Class XI
Jenn Lisak,  Class III
Berenice López, Class XI
Mollie Louret,  Class I
Brent Lyle,  Class III
Luisa Macer, Class XI
Danicia Malone,  Class III
Aaron Marshall, Class IX
Ashley Mason,  Class II
Brittany Mason, Class VI
Julia Martinez, Class XIII
Claire Mauschbaugh, Class VIII
Lauren McConnell,  Class V
Lindsay McGuire, Class IX
Jamey McPherson,  Class III
Taylor Melangton, Class XIII
Jenny Menelas, Class XIII
Alex Miser,  Class III
Ashley Miser, Class VI
Claudia Montes-Salinas,  Class IV
Cari Morales,  Class V
Brett Morgan, Class VI
Attiyana Morris, Class XII
Anthony Murdock II, Class X
Nick Murray-Vachon, Class VIII
Emily Nelson, Class X
Ashleigh Newbold, Class IX
Rosie Newman, Class X
Danielle Nimtz, Class X
Katie Norman, Class X
Alexander Nyirendah, Class XI
Bolanle Oladokun, Class XII
Alex Oleson, Class XII
Diana Ortega, Class VIII
Mark O’Neall,  Class IV
David O’Rourke, Class VI
Karla Lopez Owens, Class VI
Juan Padilla, Class XIII
Ephraim Palmero, Class XII
Joe Perin, Class VII
Guadalupe Pimentel Solano, Class V
Alina Pizarro, Class XII
Addison Pollock, Class VI
Joey Ponce,  Class V
Allison Potteiger, Class VI
Charlie Redd, Class VIII
Austin Reed, Class XIII
Marissa Renaldi, Class IX
India Rhodes, Class XIII
Elle Roberts,  Class IV
Sarah Robinson,  Class II
Jackelinna (Jackie) Rodriguez, Class XII
Natalia Rodriguez-Hilt, Class X
Dee Ross, Class X
Lexes Rubio, Class XII
Michael Runge,  Class II
Steven Russell, Class IX
Madison Russo, Class XIII
Leslie Salazar, Class XIII
Carrington Sanders, Class XIII
Kamron Sanders, Class IX
Melissa Sargent, Class IX
Brandon Schaaf,  Class III
Becca Schmiegel, Class XI
Emily Scott, Class VII
JD Shuyler,  Class IV
Rachel Skelton,  Class I
Brittany Smith,  Class II
Serena Srun, Class XIII
Payton Staman, Class XI
Brian Staresnick,  Class III
Cory Still, Class IX
Greg Stowers, Class VI
Tony Styxx,  Class V
Nate Swick, Class VIII
Susanna Taft, Class IX
Curtis Taylor, Class XI
Hannah Thomas, Class IX
Erin Till,  Class II
Mayowa Tomori,  Class I
Rita Troyer,  Class II
Molly Trueblood,  Class I
Nicole Vasconi,  Class II
Danielle Vetter, Class VII
Allison Walker, Class XII
Tori Walker, Class VI
Matt Waweru, Class XII
Deonna Weatherly, Class XII
Brittany West,  Class V
Ray White,  Class II
Kateri Whitley, Class VII
Paul Williams, Class XII
Chelsea Wilson, Class X
Tyler Wong, Class XI
TJ Wright, Class XI
Fabio Yataco, Class X
Eunjune You, Class XIII
Maria Yuquilima, Class XII
We are able to provide this leadership experience at no cost to 1828 leadership project class members, partly in thanks to individual contributors such as yourself. Please consider making an investment and supporting our city’s future generation of leaders.



To learn how your company can become involved as a sponsor, contact Al Carroll at al@indyhub.org.


Know an outstanding young leader?
We’d love to meet them!

Nominations for Class XV will open in Spring 2025


history of 1828

In 2012, Michael Kaufmann and Molly Chavers set out to create a program for Indy’s young talent– those who were already doing and being in our city– that may not have access to traditional leadership development opportunities in their role.
