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Be part of a city-wide network of innovators, doers and changemakers that are creatively and boldly shaping our city

The mission of The LAB is to empower young leaders  in Indianapolis through networking, support and collaboration to help make the city a more vibrant place to live and work.

At IndyHub, we are in the business of empowering and emboldening our young leaders. We know that a diverse and engaged community is the strength of Indy today, and twenty years from now.

Through our signature program, The LAB in partnership with create. connect. collab., we bring together our city’s 20-and 30-somethings leaders to identify opportunities for collaboration across the city and recognize how Indianapolis and her people set ourselves apart through partnership. 

By elevating the ideas, experiences, and perspectives of our city’s young leaders, we are making Indy a more vibrant place to live, work, play, and plant roots. The LAB is critical to the long-term success of Indianapolis by fostering our strong network of 20-and 30-somethings that are already leading.

Sounds pretty awesome, right? We sure think it is.


In partnership with Create. Connect. Collab., we will host conversations that will help develop and advance our collective impact . These meetings will be a place for you to network, lend peer support and identify opportunities for collaboration throughout Indy.

During each meeting, Starla Kay Mathis (CEO)  & Lateva Woolfork (COO) of create. connect. collab will walk you through a mini-MasterMinds course to help make your first step; identify what support looks like and make ish happen! 

Membership to The LAB is free and open to twenty-and thirty-somethings that are looking to make a difference in Indianapolis. Attendance at all meetings is not required, but encouraged. Trust us, you won’t want to miss out on the fun! 

Mark your calendar for The LAB 2024 Meetings:

  • Friday, March 29 from 8:00 am – 10:00 am
  • Friday, June 14 from 8:30 am – 10:30 am
  • Friday, October 25 from 8:30 am – 10:30 am

To learn how your company can become involved as a sponsor, contact Al Carroll at al@indyhub.org.

Take your seat at the table and share your voice.

Invite your friends, colleagues and neighbors to take part in the LAB. Membership is free and open to twenty-and thirty-somethings that are looking to make a difference in Indy. Submit a request to join The LAB. We’ll be in touch soon!


