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The Delta Variant, Vaccines and Getting Reliable Info

Posted by: Blake Johnson
Posted: August 9, 2021
Categories: IndyHub

This week, our team sat down with Dr. Virginia Caine to discuss the surge in COVID-19 cases, especially the predominant strain, the Delta Variant. Dr. Caine serves as director and chief medical officer for the Marion County Public Health Department, but she is also an infectious disease expert and instructor at the I.U. School of Medicine.

Dr. Caine shared a ton of great info, but here are some of the key takeaways:

  1. The Delta variant is more contagious than previous strains and can cause more severe complications in those who contract the virus, including younger populations and even children.
  2. Vaccinated individuals (even those without symptoms) can still spread the virus, and due to the higher viral load of the Delta variant, that spread is more significant.
  3. Vaccination levels in Marion County are still too low, so wearing a mask indoors is recommended. (See number 2 above).
  4. The vaccine is safe and effective. Dr. Caine goes as far as to say that this is the best vaccine we’ve had in this country. Trust reliable sources, including your own healthcare provider, medical professionals and health departments. Verify information you’re reading on social media.
  5. Get vaccinated. Encourage others to get vaccinated. Let’s keep Indy safe, healthy and open for business.