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Indiana Basketball History Bike Tours

Downtown, Indianapolis Downtown Indianapolis, Indianapolis, IN, United States

The Indianapolis Cultural Trail and Through2Eyes invites you to join us for a tour highlighting historical basketball locations in Downtown Indianapolis and surrounding areas. *Bike tour registration includes access to an Indiana Pacers Bike Share Bike, helmet (by […]


Indiana Basketball History Trolley Tours

Downtown, Indianapolis Downtown Indianapolis, Indianapolis, IN, United States

Through2Eyes and Indiana Sports Corp invites you to join us for a tour highlighting historical basketball locations in Downtown Indianapolis and surrounding areas. *Trolley Tour registration includes a trolley ride through the city and an exclusive tour with […]


NCAA Division I Men’s Basketball Tournament

Downtown, Indianapolis Downtown Indianapolis, Indianapolis, IN, United States

Indiana is the epicenter of men's basketball. 2021 March Madness will be entirely played in Indiana! The NCAA Division I men’s basketball committee will stage the entire 2021 men’s basketball championship in Indiana, with the majority of the […]

Various pricing

Spring Clean 2021

Downtown, Indianapolis Downtown Indianapolis, Indianapolis, IN, United States

The Indianapolis Cultural Trail is excited to announce the seventh annual Spring Clean on the Indianapolis Cultural Trail in downtown Indy! Our beloved 8-mile linear-park needs some love after the winter weather and we’d love to have your […]


Holiday Bingo Challenge

Downtown, Indianapolis Downtown Indianapolis, Indianapolis, IN, United States

Celebrate the holidays all season long at home and Downtown with this festive bingo card. Mark off the spaces you complete and share on social media! Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @downtownindy Download and print the Bingo […]
