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Vlog: Work + Life Balance

Posted by: IndyHub
Posted: October 22, 2018
Categories: Professional Development, Lifestyle & Wellness

IndyHub is proud to partner with Anthem to bring you this special series highlighting strategies for self care and seeking help to address issues of mental health.

Young professionals are often engaged in numerous activities outside of work. Not only are we striving to further our careers, but we are creating small businesses, finding time for a passion outlet, starting our families, maintaining friendships, and more. Crafting a plan to balance all of those things is key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle to ensure you do not become overwhelmed.

Some key takeaways:

  • Create an action plan for your idea of work/life balance
  • Keep a mood log to evaluate and identify when you’re feeling overwhelmed
  • Be flexible to change– being adaptive can help your balance
  • Say no to the opportunities that will not serve you in your goals
  • Involve your doctor when needed– especially if you are feeling overwhelmed

Hear from Lesley Gordon, IndyHub Board Member and Deepti Rao, MD, Anthem Indiana on how to create your work/life balance strategy, how to include your co-workers and friends, and why sometimes it’s okay to say no or ask for help if it doesn’t fit in with your plan in order to stay true to your balance. The best part about our community in Indy is that there are numerous ways to get involved! Organizing and prioritizing how you engage is crucial to your personal work/life balance.


IndyHub + Anthem | Work + Life Balance from IndyHub on Vimeo.


Additional resources:

Our friends at the Women’s Fund of Central Indiana have embarked in the Campaign to Change Direction. Check it out and learn about the five signs of emotional suffering.

If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide – call the National Suicide Hotline at 800-273-8255 or text CONNECT to 74174.
