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Indy is a changing city

Posted by: Karissa Hulse
Posted: May 8, 2018
Categories: Culture & Diversity, Civic Engagement, IndyHub

You don’t have to spend much time here before someone tells you how different Indy is today than it was 40 years ago– and more recently– even in the last five years. And I find myself joining the chorus. Because, seriously, it’s changed so much. Do you see it, too?

I see density as empty and in-between spaces are filled.

I feel vibrancy as our streets and neighborhoods beam with life.

I see confidence in knowing there is great opportunity here.

I feel frustration over the things we need to do better, and for the people we need to see more.

What do we want Indy to be– as residents, employees and participants in Indy’s civic and social life?

It’s a question with as many answers as there are people.

Did you see the Indy Voices survey come across your inbox or social feed late last summer? Sometimes I will complete a survey, hit submit and move along without thinking about the implications of my answers. Often a survey feels rather inconsequential in my daily life, or worse, my feedback seems to not be taken into account.

Since 2013, IndyHub has taken on a biennial research project to tap into the priorities and preferences twenty-and thirty-somethings have for Indy. It began as an idea– “What if we could find out what they think about _____.” Earlier reports of this research have shaped our own work, as well as significant work shaping the present and future of Indy– from our employer’s own talent recruitment efforts, policies, and strategic planning initiatives.

We strive to always ask the questions, and be open to the answers. Sometimes they aren’t either what we expected or wanted, but what we desperately need. And we wrestled with it this time. As the survey wrapped late last summer, our research team did an initial review of the findings, pulling out those responses that were trending and doing a call out to all those who’d completed the survey. “Will you be willing to talk with us about the findings?” Many of you were, and we thank you for that. A survey can tell us a lot, a human voice in real time can share so much more.

I have big hopes this report will again shape the course of future work, yet in a different way. It may not be the starting of a city-wide initiative or advocating for a ballot referendum. I hope this report helps all who read it to see the brilliant diversity that’s here. Of places, streets, opportunities. Of people.

There’s something rather perfect about releasing this report as we move full force into IndyVolved 13 next month.

Indianapolis is a changed city. Generations before us have left their legacies, and generations ahead of us will inherit the city as we pass it on to them.

What do we want Indy to be – as residents, employees and participants in Indy’s civic and social life?

Yes, Indy is a changing city.

And people make the city.

Head here to learn more and download the report.
